You are an experienced MPI member and an Independent or Small Business Owner. (ISBO) Who was your mentor? Are you still in touch? Did you form a lifelong friendship? Are you ready to return the favor?
ISBO, The Independent & Small Business Community, within MPI is starting a Mentorship Program. Now, more than ever, our younger and less experienced MPI members need help and sound advice.
Are you ready, willing and able to become a Mentor and pay it back, or is it paying it forward? Complete our simple 5 questions to see if you qualify as a Mentor. After assembling our pool of Mentors, we will know how many Mentees we can invite to participate. We will Match Mentor to Mentee based on industry segment, geography and personality.
Be part of this exciting development, as we strengthen our industry, invest in the future and prepare for a return to work.
Send Nick Reid an email with MENTOR in the subject line and he will send you the 5 Questions.

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